Hello everyone.
Have you ever gone into the grocery store and had a young person bump into you and give you “that look”? You know the look…………it’s the one where they indicate that you should have been ashamed of being in their way, instead of saying “excuse me”. Or, perhaps you’ve handed a youngster something, like a cookie, and they just turn around and walk away without a word. Well I’ve had those experiences lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that we can help. So, for this school year we are going to work very diligently to practice the fading skills of grace and courtesy in all of our classrooms. So, if you see a little one being courteous, please make sure to acknowledge their thoughtfulness.
Communication has always been an area in which improvement has been requested. So, I’m very excited to announce the beginning of the trial process for an app called Tadpoles. We are beginning to use this program at the Hillcrest location and expect amazing results. I believe that we will quickly implement its use to our other two schools. In watching the demonstration I was really happy about the communication capabilities. I think that this is going to be something that everyone likes. So be on the lookout.
The Directors and I are working together to give your child a great learning opportunity in a safe and nurturing environment. I always enjoy hearing from our families. I like to hear what we are succeeding at as well as about areas for improvement.
As always, check us out on Facebook to keep up with your school.